Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lindor "What's at your Center?" Instant Win Game

I Won $10 Off + Free shipping at Red Envelope

You should try your luck!

Prizes: There will be a total of twenty thousand two hundred forty three (20,243) ONLINE INSTANT WIN GAME PRIZES (to be awarded randomly throughout the Promotion) – Total ARV of all prizes is $533,196

One (1) $5,000 prize (to be awarded in the form of a check to the winner);
Thirty Seven (37) Barnes & Noble Nook Color (ARV $263 ea.);
Thirty Five (35) Barnes & Noble Nook Touch (ARV $154 ea.);
Ninety Five (95) $100 Barnes & Noble Gift Card;
Forty (40) $50 Barnes & Noble Gift Card;
Twenty Five (25) $25 Barnes & Noble Gift Card; 
Ten (10) Lindt Gift Baskets (ARV $95 ea.);
Twenty Thousand (20,000) $25,00 Gift Certificate at Red Envelope.

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